
Why Use Copper Pipes Instead of the PVC Alternative

Why Use Copper Pipes Instead of the PVC Alternative

For decades, plumbers have relied on copper and other metals and materials for their plumbing needs. When plastics came on the scene in the last century, PVC grew popular in construction and industrial sectors. The need for cheaper alternatives for construction and plumbing gave PVC a huge leap forward in how plumbing is managed today. However, some builders still use copper for home and business needs. Here are several reasons why use copper pipes instead of the PVC alternative that many have made their standard of practice.

Copper Is Built To Last

Copper has properties that set it apart from other metals. One of the reasons why plumbers used copper for so many years was its sheer resilience. Copper will not rust or corrode for years, even when exposed to the elements. The general lifespan of copper is anywhere from 70 to 80 years, so you can expect copper pipes to function undisturbed for decades. They are also strong when reinforced, granting them great integrity. This surprising benefit of using copper as a water mainline is something you won’t get elsewhere.

It Has Flexibility That PVC Lacks

When working with copper, you might notice how malleable it is. This quality makes it the perfect resource when making pipes and pipe fittings. You can use this metal as a one-for-all instrument if you need to make other parts to fit your mainline copper pipes. Then, weld them together as necessary. If you wanted the same result with PVC, you would have to use much more material. While the material is more economical, the demand for plastic increases the more you consume.

Cleaner Alternative With No Chemicals

Because plumbing mainly transports water, copper piping is still used today in homes and commercial structures. In some instances, PVC is used for drinking water purposes. Still, chemicals leaching from PVC can contaminate water. Additionally, the plastic itself can break down over time, causing microplastics to enter and poison the supply.

Antibacterial and Anti-Microbial

One amazing fact about copper is it has antibacterial and anti-microbial properties. You might see copper cups, bowls, plates, and utensils in museum exhibitions. This is due to the metal’s natural sterility. Of course, you need to clean your cookware and kitchenware, but you don’t have to worry about your dishes and cutlery harboring diseases. For this same reason, copper is an excellent alternative to PVC and most other plumbing materials, especially regarding drinking water.

We use copper as a plumbing alternative to PVC for several reasons. After reading this article, you will know the benefits of this wonder metal and its capabilities. So, let’s make an effort to be environmentally savvy and choose copper for plumbing applications.

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Written by Dianne Pajo

Dianne Pajo is a writer based out of the Chicagoland area with a passion for music, combat sports, and animals. She enjoys competing in amateur boxing and kickboxing, but in her other leisure time, you can find her performing music around the city. She is also a dog mom of 2.

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